Website globalization is now recommended by ExporTech. Website globalization means fully customized and localized websites that deliver sales, brand and business growth in far flung markets around the globe. ExporTech is the US national export assistance program that helps companies enter and expand in global markets. ExporTech, recognizes that the digital disruption has transformed exporting and international business.
In today’s online world it is essential to include website globalization in export strategy, alongside planning, education, training, trade fairs and other export supporting programs. US Chambers of Commerce have long recognized that Corporate America’s #1 marketing and sales tool is their online presence and nowhere more so than when going international. As part of the Exportech range of programs, website globalization will now “help participating companies go-to-market and implement their export growth plans”.
ExporTech helping US manufacturers generate revenue growth, globally
ExporTech was developed by the US National Institute of Standards Technology' Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program (MEP), a national network with hundreds of specialists who understand the needs of America's small manufacturers. The objective is to help manufacturing companies generate top line revenue growth knowing that they cannot rely only on the domestic market. As the MEP statement makes clear, “95% of the world market is outside of the U.S., and the purchasing power of billions of new consumers is rapidly increasing in emerging economies. At the same time, competition in domestic markets is fiercer than ever, and more and more companies are turning to international markets to offset declines in domestic sales. In addition, of those manufacturers that do export, over 40% sell to only one country, and over 70% sell to four or fewer markets. MEP identified a significant opportunity to help manufacturers aggressively expand into global markets”. Learn more about ExporTech.
One of the founding architects of the ExporTech programs is Mike Stone of Stone & Associates, a strategic research and consulting firm based in Portland, Maine. Mike is one of the program’s leaders, master facilitators and content developers. He has collaborated with export assistance organizations (USEACs, state trade offices, district export councils, SBDCs, etc.) across 25 states and helped to ensure companies that go through the ExporTech program get significant benefits to their bottom lines:
On average, participating companies generate $500,000 – $700,000 in new export sales
- Many companies generate export sales within 6 months of completing the program
- The average participant reported cost and investment savings of $91,000
- The average company created 5 new jobs
- Nearly $400 Million in increase or retained sales
IBT Online provides website localization and international online marketing services to help companies grow their sales, brands and businesses online globally. The Online Global Services provide exporting companies with strategic planning, content localization, design customization and technical implementation of localized websites, as well as country specific search engine optimization and social media marketing. IBT Online services are tailored to support the exporting company’s international business strategy, helping the participating companies maximize their online success in their selected global target markets.
Learn all about Exportech and Online Global for your business and grow your exports
As part of our successful Go Global Webinar Series for all C-suite, directors and senior management responsible for growing exports and business internationally, across all sectors, goods and services, B2B (business to business) and B2C (business to consumer), listen to the ExporTech Website Globalization webinar where Mike Stone and Susanna Hardy (IBT Online, Director Client Services) present on ExporTech and website globalization for your business.