International Business and Technology Blog

Social media infographic - a helpful tool for exporters

Posted by Samantha Soffici on Mon, Jun 22, 2020

This infographic is designed to be a helpful tool for someone who doesn’t know where to start with international social media. 

Social media is huge. There is no denying the power and amplitude of social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn (among many others). Which is why it can be intimidating - especially for an exporter that is more concerned with keeping up with their products and services than how to fit a message in X amount of characters.

Our infographic shows you:
  1. The most prominent social media sites by active users
  2. Which social media platform is used in which country
  3. Fun facts that are relevant for SMEs all over the world

To dive deeper in the subject, please check out our Global Social Media - Online Marketing for Exporters Webinar where expert members of our team expand on this exciting topic!

Interested in Social Media in Mexico? CLICK HERE FOR MORE



Tags: All posts, Global Markets, International Online Marketing