International Business and Technology Blog

Want to Grow your Exports in China? Use the right Online Marketing Tools

Posted by Joelle Lazzarotto on Tue, Mar 05, 2024

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Hero Image for Client testimonial blogsChina presents huge opportunities for companies looking to expand their exports. To tap into this potential, digital marketing plays a key role in reaching Chinese consumers effectively. However, American exporters face specific challenges in navigating this market, linked to the differences in buying patterns, but also a very different digital landscape.

In this blog, Julian Yeo, International Business Manager at United Electric Controls (UE Online), shares a compelling success story of how IBT Online's tailored approach, Baidu, WeChat, and a localized Chinese website have helped them scale their business in China.

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Why Invest in Marketing in China?

For Julian, the journey towards expanding exports to China began with a strategic partnership with IBT Online. Describing their goals in China, Julian states, "Our goals in China are pretty simple. The first being how can we build brand recognition of the United Electric Control brand outside of the dominant industries that we operate in." To achieve this, IBT Online implemented a robust digital marketing program, encompassing tools like Baidu, WeChat, and a localized Chinese website.

Watch the video below to hear directly from Julian as he discusses the need to identify specific metrics and objectives wand the importance to understand and address these challenges. For companies eyeing expansion into China, the results achieved by UE Online highlight the immense potential and necessity of leveraging digital tools to navigate and succeed in the Chinese market.


Navigating the Chinese Digital Landscape

The success story of UE Online in China is inseparable from the digital tools employed. As Julian outlines, their comprehensive online marketing program, involving Baidu search ads, Baidu display ads, WeChat organic profile, and WeChat ads serve as essential channels for generating leads, enhancing brand awareness, and capitalizing on the increasing influence of platforms like WeChat in the industrial B2B environment.

In emphasizing the need for such a strategy, Julian advises, "For companies who are looking to expand into China, the way marketing works within the US versus China is pretty different." This acknowledgment underscores the necessity of understanding the unique dynamics of the Chinese market and tailoring digital marketing efforts accordingly.

Explosive Growth Through Digital Tools

UE Online's partnership with IBT Online ignited a surge in brand recognition and sales growth in China. The development, launch and ongoing optimization of their localized Chinese website since 2021 acted as a powerful central hub, directing traffic and leads from various channels. The incorporation of Baidu search ads, Baidu display ads, WeChat organic profile, and WeChat ads amplified UE Online's presence, capturing the attention of the Chinese audience with precision.

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Results That Speak Volumes

1Since the initiation of the marketing program with IBT Online in 2021, UE Online has witnessed an impressive average of forty new leads per month from their website. Monthly reports consistently reflect a staggering influx of over nine hundred industry-relevant new users, validating the success of the localized website and targeted digital campaigns. This tangible growth demonstrates the efficacy of IBT Online's strategies in achieving UE Online's objectives in China.

Strategic Approach and Adaptability

IBT Online's standout feature lies in its commitment to a tailored approach. Julian emphasizes the continuous evaluation and refinement of campaigns, showcasing IBT Online's dedication to delivering high-quality results. The adaptability of IBT Online to changes in direction further underscores the agency's commitment to client success, especially in the dynamic landscape of the Chinese market.

As Yeo states, "[IBT Online] are committed to a client success. I really like their customized approach to resolving a client's challenge instead of a one-size-fits-all approach."

Overcoming Challenges for American Exporters

2While the results for UE Online have been promising, Julian acknowledges the challenges American exporters may face, stating, "The way marketing works within the US versus China is pretty different." The disparities in marketing dynamics between the two countries can pose hurdles for American businesses seeking to establish a robust online presence in China.

IBT Online's adaptability and responsiveness become crucial in this context. Julian points out, "IBT Online is also an adaptable organization. They make provisions for changes in direction requirements to our program because marketing activities are pretty dynamic in nature." This adaptability serves as a valuable asset for American exporters, allowing them to navigate the complexities of the Chinese market effectively.

UE Online's partnership with IBT Online serves as a testament to the transformative power of strategic digital marketing in China. The remarkable results achieved through Baidu, WeChat, and a localized website underscore the importance of investing in a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to the nuances of the Chinese market. To be successful in the China market, it's key to work with a company that is not only a service provider but a dedicated partner, propelling you towards success in one of the world's most dynamic business landscapes.

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Tags: All posts, Global Markets, International Online Marketing