In today's online world, your website is your #1 business development tool. But is your website easy to be found, understood, and easy to do business within your target market? If not, it's time to invest in website localization -- you can't afford to wait any longer!
We worked with Fullerton Tool Company to launch two newly localized business development websites to help them reach their Spanish and French-speaking customers. Beth Bauer, the Marketing Content Strategist, says having localized websites to reach your target markets is “just a smart business decision!”
When you're up against the international competition, your brand will look "amateur" without the proper website setup. Optimally localized websites are the key to growing your exports, sales, brand, and business in foreign markets, and they should be included in your export marketing strategy.
IBT Online has a proven track record of supporting US Exporters. Our Online Global Programs delivering optimally localized business development websites and international online marketing are why we received the President's "E" Award for contributing to the expansion of US exports. To date, we continue to help over 500 companies enter over 65 target markets!
Consider us your online experts, and we are here to tell you WHY you need a localized website.
1. Increase Your Brand Awareness Internationally
Research shows that your US website is practically invisible to foreign markets. That's just the way the internet works. Your customers are using search engines to find the products and services you provide -- but they may not be seeing you!
To ensure your products are found online, you need a localized website with a local domain name and relevant content for each target market. This is the most cost and time-effective way to have an immediate online presence. Without this, you will keep losing prospects to the local competition.
Fullerton Tool, a Michigan-based manufacturer of mills, drills, and other cutting tools, was eager to expand its brand presence in Mexico and Canada. They made the decision to launch two new localized websites for these markets so new customers could find them.
Beth Bauer says, "The Online Global program has helped us reach Spanish and French-speaking customers and helped our brand become more accessible."
2. Connect with Your Customers
Online marketing is the most effective way to connect and communicate with your ideal target clients across the globe. It works for B2B, B2C, and ecommerce ventures alike. Your localized website, empowered by online marketing strategies, will become a lead generation machine for your business.
“It is very important that international markets can find information on our companies locally, in the languages that they speak,” says Bauer.
Fullerton Tool's new, optimally localized websites showcase their products in the local languages, with product quantities and features converted into the local units of measurement. Plus, they are optimized for the way prospects browse in these markets.
At a glance, the target customer in French-speaking Canada may not even realize that Fullerton Tool is not a local firm! Fullerton's new Canadian-French and Spanish websites are tailored to the prospects' culture, language, and browsing habits, thus making it very user-friendly.
3. Build Trust and Credibility
When you have a localized website that's optimized for your prospective clients, they can better understand you, relate to you, and engage with you. This earns their trust and yields a successful buyer's journey and increased export sales.
A localized website built with IBT Online's customer-centric approach keeps the prospect at the center of focus. This has proven to be an effective strategy to increase engagement and generate ongoing, long-term customer relationships. As Bauer says: “it has helped us reach Spanish and French speaking customers and helped our brand become more accessible. With these websites it will help improve our overall market share”.
4. Low Investment, High Reward
At IBT Online, we strive to create Online Global Programs that work. We maximize our expertise and use cutting-edge technologies to provide innovative global business development opportunities for our clients. The goal is to ensure you get ROI.
95% of our clients say that we successfully reached their business goals and express a satisfaction rate of 96%, demonstrating our commitment to our client's unique journey in going global.
Bauer agrees, “IBT Online was great. They walked us through every step of the process and made sure the website was exactly what it needed to be to reach customers.”
One of the best parts of the program is that it qualifies for SBA STEP Grant funding, meaning that a portion of the cost may be covered for eligible US Small Businesses. To learn more about this, contact your local State Agency that handles international development.
Get Localized and Go Global -- The Time Is Now!
Other traditional business development tactics like exhibiting at trade shows and international business trips are less reliable these days. Why invest all that time, energy, and money when you could turn your website into a lead-generating machine?
If your organization is experiencing any of the following scenarios, it’s time to launch a new localized website:
- You are trying to enter a new market but can't seem to reach customers
- You are established in a foreign market, but struggling to support your distributors there
- Your product is popular in a specific international market, yet you have trouble getting traction online
- Your website is not converting in particular target markets around the world
- You're getting very few online international leads from your US website
“I think it’s just a smart business decision to ensure you have localized websites that reach all your target markets internationally!” says Bauer.