International Business and Technology Blog

Apex Instruments' Ecommerce Transformation & Expansion

Posted by Ava Mitzi on Mon, Jun 10, 2024

2-1Discover how Apex Instruments, a global leader in source emission testing equipment, enhanced their digital presence and e-commerce capabilities with IBT Online. Facing the challenge of limited online reach despite their international operations, Apex Instruments partnered with us to create customized websites for multiple regions.

As CEO Miles Wright highlighted, "People rarely under-promise and over-deliver to the degree that IBT Online did." Read on to learn how our Online Global Programs transformed their digital strategy, driving higher traffic, engagement, and revenue.

Client Background: Elevating Global Operations with Apex Instruments

Apex Instruments, a 35-year-old manufacturer of source emission testing equipment, has a significant global footprint. Under the leadership of CEO Miles Wright, the company recognized the need to enhance their digital presence and e-commerce capabilities to strengthen relationships with their international clientele. "We signed up for the Online Global e-commerce programs really to develop closer relationships with our customers," said Wright. Apex Instruments turned to IBT Online to redesign and build three websites tailored to different regional markets.

Challenge: Overcoming Limited E-Commerce Presence

Apex Instruments faced the challenge of having a limited e-commerce presence despite half of their business being outside the United States. They needed a robust digital strategy that could cater to diverse international markets, improve customer engagement, and streamline their communication with end users. Additionally, the technical nature of their products required a platform that could effectively convey detailed information and provide seamless customer support.


Hear directly from Miles Wright, CEO of Apex Instruments, about his experience partnering with IBT Online. In this candid testimonial, Miles shares how our Online Global Programs helped Apex Instruments overcome digital challenges, enhance their e-commerce capabilities, and significantly improve their international online presence.

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Solution: Implementing IBT Online’s Global Website and E-Commerce Redesign

IBT Online's Online Global Programs were the ideal solution for Apex Instruments. Our team designed and built three distinct websites: the main American English Apex Instruments site, a Brazilian site, and a Spanish-speaking site. Each website was customized to meet the cultural and linguistic needs of its target market. We integrated advanced e-commerce capabilities, data management, and analytics to enhance user experience and strengthen customer relationships.

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Results: Increasing Traffic and Engagement through Enhanced Digital Strategy

The new websites had a profound impact on Apex Instruments’ digital presence. Miles Wright, CEO, highlighted the transformation: "People rarely under-promise and over-deliver to the degree that IBT Online did. Their structure is organized. Their communication is clear." The websites improved direct contact with customers, allowing Apex Instruments to diagnose and solve problems efficiently, reducing return shipments and increasing revenue. Wright further noted, "By developing websites, by developing e-commerce capabilities, by tracking, doing data management, data analytics, it's made us stronger, better, and more connected with our clients."

Conclusion: Ensuring Long-Term Digital Success with IBT Online

Apex Instruments’ successful partnership with IBT Online underscores the importance of having a trusted digital partner for global business development. Miles Wright emphasized, "IBT Online will bring that expertise into your company that you probably don't have if you've not been working internationally for many, many, many, many years." The success of the initial websites has led Apex Instruments to plan additional language programs and enhanced data analytics to further optimize their global reach.

Transform Your Digital Strategy with IBT Online

If your company is looking to expand its digital presence and improve international customer engagement, IBT Online is your ideal partner.

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Tags: All posts, Website Localization, Global Markets