International Business and Technology Blog

Afton Scientific's Websites & Marketing Global Growth

Posted by Joelle Lazzarotto on Tue, Jun 04, 2024

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3-1Discover how Afton Scientific, a contract pharmaceutical manufacturer, revolutionized their digital presence and marketing strategy with IBT Online. Facing the challenge of increasing their online visibility and engagement, Afton Scientific partnered with us to redesign their websites and implement targeted marketing campaigns.

As Katherine Brandt, Manager of Marketing and Sales Operations, stated, "IBT Online allowed us to have a more strategic approach and has set us up for a successful future." Read on to learn how our Online Global Programs transformed their digital strategy, driving higher traffic, engagement, and conversions. Read on to learn how our Online Global Programs transformed their digital strategy, driving higher traffic, engagement, and conversions.

Client Background: Innovating Pharmaceutical Manufacturing with Afton Scientific

Afton Scientific, based in Charlottesville, Virginia, is a contract pharmaceutical manufacturer specializing in small-volume, sterile injectables. They are FDA approved and also approved by Health Canada and the PMDA in Japan, working with both clinical and commercial drugs. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive digital strategy, Afton Scientific partnered with IBT Online to redesign their US website and expand their online presence in the UK and Germany. The project was led by Katherine Brandt, Manager of Marketing and Sales Operations, and TJ Kliefoth, Financial Information Officer.

Challenge: Increasing Online Visibility and Engagement

Afton Scientific faced the challenge of increasing traffic to their website and expanding their reach within the US and Canadian markets. Without a dedicated marketing team in-house, they needed a partner who could provide both strategic and tactical support to improve their online presence and drive high-quality conversions. The goal was to leverage Google Analytics, Google Ads, and LinkedIn ad campaigns to boost their visibility and engagement.

Hear Katherine Brandt share how IBT Online helped Afton Scientific enhance their digital strategy and achieve international growth. "IBT Online allowed us to have a more strategic approach and has set us up for a successful future," says Katherine. Click to watch her testimonial.

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Solution: Implementing IBT Online’s Website Redesign and Marketing Programs

IBT Online’s solution involved a two-phased approach: first, redesigning Afton Scientific’s US website and then implementing the Marketing Online Global Program. The website redesign focused on creating a visually appealing, user-friendly site optimized for search engines to increase organic traffic. Following the successful website launch, IBT Online deployed targeted Google Ads and LinkedIn ad campaigns to expand Afton Scientific’s reach and drive more engaged traffic.

Afton Scientific

Results: Enhancing Traffic and Conversions with Targeted Marketing

The impact of the redesigned website and the Marketing Online Global Program was significant. Katherine Brandt remarked, "We reached out to IBT Online about a year and a half ago about redesigning our website for the U.S. market. The objectives for the redesign were to increase traffic to the site, get Afton's name out there as much as we could through Google Analytics, as well as an ad campaign with LinkedIn. That project went extremely well. We enjoyed working with the team. We have a really beautiful website at this point, so we wanted to pursue the Marketing Online Global Program with IBT Online as well."

She further highlighted the benefits, stating, "With the Marketing Online Global Program and the knowledge of the IBT Online team, we were able to have a greater impact through our marketing efforts. The Marketing Online Global Program has allowed us to be more strategic and targeted in our marketing. Not only have we seen an increase in traffic, but the increased traffic has been more engaged and we've seen higher quality conversions as well."

Conclusion: Strategic Marketing for Long-Term Success

Afton Scientific’s partnership with IBT Online has been transformative, demonstrating the value of expert digital strategy and execution. Katherine Brandt concluded, "Working with the IBT Online team has been wonderful. They're all incredibly knowledgeable, very responsive, and open to hearing our thoughts on the project as well as bringing their own expertise to it. We at Afton Scientific believe the Marketing Online Global Program is a worthwhile investment. Having a dedicated team with IBT Online allowed us to have a more strategic approach and has set us up for a successful future."

Transform Your Digital Strategy with IBT Online

If your company is looking to expand its digital presence and improve international customer engagement, IBT Online is your ideal partner.

Are you ready to go Online Global?


Tags: All posts, Website Localization, Global Markets, International Online Marketing