Grow your sales, brands and businesses online globally



FAQs about IBT Online Global Program

Website Localization

Q: How long does it take to get my website localized?
A: The project generally takes 3 to 4 months, depending upon the site size, number of languages and complexity.

Q: Who will build our international online presence?
A: The website(s) will be completed with and for you by our international web savvy experts and business developers.

Q: How do I keep track of the project?
A: Project is managed collaboratively using Teamwork.

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International Online Marketing

Q: When do international online marketing services commence?
A: Online marketing is set up during the website build and ongoing online marketing management starts on the launch date.

Q: Our international business strategy is constantly developing. Are your online marketing services flexible?
A: Marketing proposals are variable and scalable to support your business growth, targeted markets and other priorities.

Q: How can we review performance and measure ROI of online marketing internationally?
A: Reporting is an essential part of our online marketing service, including a monthly client review, for which we use a range of tools in order to give you the insight you need to make informed business decisions internationally.

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Contact us if you have any questions about our services or proposals!