Guidelines on how you can identify, engage, support and manage your distributors optimally both online and offline.
Understand differences between distributors and agents
Identify, recruit, engage distributors across geographic markets and industries
Optimize and manage distributors across geographic markets and industries
Provide marketing and sales support to your distributors: marketing materials, new product launches, pricing…
Leverage the internet to achieve the above
Agents versus distributor
Indirect Exports, agents, distributors
Identifying distributors online and offline
Search engines, dedicated web page, social media netowrks, trade associations, suppliers and clients, competitors, trade shows
Engaging distributors online and offline
Contract checklist, due diligence, online checklist, targets and reporting, offline checklist
Supporting your distributors online and offline
Inbound enquires and customer demand, trade shows, marketing materials, case studies, data sheets/certifications/pricing, price incentives, assistance at trade shows, marketing materials/samples
Managing multi-distributor networks
Horizontal Networks, vertical Networks, control your brand
Best practices, Next Steps, Useful links
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